Sunday, March 29, 2020

How the Chemistry Olympiad Can Help Students Learn

How the Chemistry Olympiad Can Help Students LearnThe Chemistry Olympiad 2020 in India is set to become a record breaker. The competition has attracted international students and professionals from many countries. The competition involves high school students who are made to work with professional chemists from around the world. It is an excellent opportunity for students to learn more about different types of chemicals, including their properties, reactions and uses.The Chemistry Olympiad is open to all the students of Class VIII in India. Students will have a great time participating in the exhibition. The students will get to interact with professionals in their own country. The products they display are actually off the shelf products that can be purchased on the local market. This means that the students get to see the products they would normally find on the shelves in their own town and area.The exhibition does not only include chemical experts and professionals in their own c ountry. It also includes students from other countries. They get the chance to try and buy chemical products from them for testing purposes. All these things make the Chemistry Olympiad 2020 a very important event.Students from different countries generally come for a glimpse of the country and also for a brief period to study in the country while living abroad. The Chemistry Olympiad 2020 is a unique way to help them keep tabs on the country while learning. For students, it also helps them understand and gain interest in the country while staying in it.The Chemistry Olympiad provides students with a wonderful platform to learn more about the nature of science and experiment and experience for themselves. The goal of the event is to encourage creativity and stimulate them to solve problems. It also teaches students how to work effectively as a team in order to tackle the problems posed by the competitions. The participants learn about critical thinking, teamwork and communication sk ills.The Chemistry Olympiad provides a way for students to create their own chemical products. They get to create different types of creams, salves, gels and foams. They get to have fun with chemical ingredients. They get to experiment with them in various ways like applying different solutions, mixing them up or using them in different ways.The Chemistry Olympiad is a great source of learning for students of all age groups. It provides a range of subjects which would be of use to them when they leave for the United States. It would also provide them with new challenges which would be a good thing for them when they start on their professional careers. The best part is that the organization provides a platform for them to interact with other international students.This is a wonderful opportunity for many to showcase their creativity. They can also learn a lot from the experience. The Chemistry Olympiad 2020 provides them with a variety of approaches to solve a variety of problems. I t gives them the opportunity to experience life as professionals at the same time as learning about different chemical formulas.

Friday, March 6, 2020

How to land a teaching job in Spain

How to land a teaching job in Spain If you’ve ever thought about teaching abroad in Europe, then it’s more than likely that teaching English in Spain has crossed your mind. It’s got a booming ESL industry and teachers flock there in search of day time naps and sangria. We’re sure there are other incentives, but day time naps, how could you not? Siestas and sangria aren’t all Spain has to offer - it’s a soccer-mad country, where if you don’t already love futbol, you soon will. That’s not to say that teaching English in Spain is going to be the same regardless of where you go. In fact, you’ll find very different reports from ESL teachers across the country. From quiet country towns to bustling cities like Madrid and Barcelona, there are all sorts of lifestyles on offer (don’t worry, the naps are always included). Whether you’re looking for a quiet beachside escape from it all or a town with a little more swagger, you’ll find a school that suits you. The people are friendly, the food is beyond delicious, and the scenery is spectacular (seriously, I just wasted 10 minutes of my life gawking at stock photos, thinking maybe I should be in Spain!) So how do I get a job, Google isn’t much help here? The reason that Google doesn’t throw up a bajillion jobs for teaching English in Spain is that they’re not usually listed online. It’s a very different culture to what you might be used to and unlike schools in other countries, Spanish schools tend to hire on the spot. As in, you walk right up to the school and present them with your resume. If pavement pounding isn’t your thing, teaching ESL in Spain may not be for you. It’s certainly not for the faint of heart, and unless you’ve got enough gumption to land (not necessarily on your feet) and roll with it… then we suggest somewhere a bit less spur of the moment. There’s a lot of competition and enough English speakers seem to show up and wing it, that they haven’t had to start mass TEFL teacher recruiting online. That being said… it’s a small amount of initial discomfort for a life that includes daytime naps. What kind of ESL jobs do they have? There are three main categories of jobs and plenty of options. I’ve done a round-up below to make it pretty straight forward for you. The most common way to teach English in Spain is probably to approach a private academy once you land! 1. Openings at private schools and language academies Private schools are a legitimate way to go about landing an English teaching job in Spain. You will lead your own classroom and be able to find a full-time job that offers a good salary, benefits and even paid vacation. Ehm, yes, please! Sadly, you need to be in Spain to get these jobs. The bright side of that is this: you can start with where you want to live and figure the rest out once you land. You’ll have the flexibility of trying the city out before you knock on a school’s door and sign a year-long contract. It does mean that you should probably have some savings if you plan to teach English in Spain. At least to tide you over until the first pay cheque. Do you have a TEFL/CELTA/TESOL? Then you should land one of these types of jobs easy peasy. If you don’t have one of these teaching certificates- maybe consider getting a TEFL before you do anything else. Not only will it arm you for the classroom. It will answer pretty pressing questions like - how do I make this rowdy mob of Spanish kids speak English? Sign up to Teach Away today for access to the latest teaching jobs around the world. 2. Language and Cultural Assistant jobs (aka Auxiliares de conversación) Becoming a Language and Cultural assistant is probably the least terrifying way of securing a job teaching English in Spain. Hours are pretty light with teachers only working about 12-16 hours per week so you won’t make as much as you would in a private school. Actually, you’ll make considerably less, pocketing between $790 - 1,100, which is enough to survive in a country with a low cost of living. Let’s just say you won’t be indulging in tapas every night of the week. The requirements include a TEFL certificate and to be enrolled in a four-year degree program. This is a perfect gap-year option for those of you who want to have a year in Spain and experience the lifestyle! The program looks for residents from any of the following countries: any EU country, the US, Canada, New Zealand, Australia or China. For more information on teaching English in Spain this way - check out the program’s official website. 3. Private tutoring gigs Spanish families are always recruiting private English tutors to either improve their business English skills or to get their little ones up to scratch. They’re not really looking for your traditional teacher and tend to just want to invest in a more immersive way of learning. This can be in their homes or at a café. Some families will hire a live-in teacher to be on-hand to give private lessons to their children several times a week! Kind of like an au pair but without the diaper changing (although, you might end up with a job that’s more au pair than private tutor - ??be careful!) This is a fabulous way to wheedle your into an authentic Spanish lifestyle and is also probably the quickest route to culture shock. Think about those big family meals and paella… Why not check out this this teacher’s story on what it’s like living and teaching English in Spain? Okay, so hit me with the requirements for teaching Englis in Spain These can vary - some schools will want a licensed teacher and teaching experience, but most are just looking for the following: ??A college degree A TEFL certification ??Native English speaking proficiency Bonus points and muchos opportunities if…puedes hablar un poco de español! What about some cold hard cash? Show me the money! As we’ve mentioned, Language and Cultural Assistants are likely to make between $790 - 1,100 USD a month. If you keep your expenses low and travel cheaply, this is still plenty of money to fund a decent lifestyle in Spain. Private tutoring will depend on how many hours you take and is pretty variable. It tends to be without a contract. The best option, if you’re concerned about money, is private academies. Here you will have benefits, paid holidays and a comfy wage of between $1,300 - 2,000 per month. Note that the higher end of this scale will probably go to teachers with lots of experience. Even though you will be making money, we do not recommend landing in Spain flat broke. Save a little first, that way the first month of job hunting won’t be quite so terrifying. Also, seeing as we’re talking cash, budget airlines and railway tickets are a great way to get around Europe, and Spain is perfectly located for a little interrailing. So why not plan a few weekends in Germany, Portugal, or well, anywhere really… When’s the best time to look for a job? That really depends what sort of job you’re interested in. The government-run programs generally have a spring application (which you can do in your home country) with a start date of the following fall. As for private academies - you will probably get lucky any time of year. That being said, the peak times are September, October and January (the beginning of the school semesters) and there’s bound to be more options around then.

ACT Aspire What is it - TutorNerds

ACT Aspire What is it - TutorNerds What on Earth is the ACT Aspire? Do you ever feel, as a parent, that your child is exposed to endless testing? Do you feel as though many of these standardized tests have more of a business (I.e. money making component than actual academic assessment? Since the implementation of my professional career I have seen the SAT go from a 1600 top score to a 2400 top score with the addition of an essay and the breakdown of the verbal section to the Critical Reading and Writing sections. I have seen the beginning of the CAHSEE (California High School Exit Exam we have tutors for that), used in CA and OR. The SAT is soon to change once again and the ACT went from an afterthought to widely popular (READ: ACT Tips From a Private Irvine Tutor). Personally, as a private Orange County test prep tutor, I would like to see more time for actual learning. Kids become tired very easily and I would prefer to see them use their mental energy on academics than filling in bubbles. Most teachers that I talk to would much prefer to teach, than to ‘teach to the test’. After all, we do not fill in bubbles in real life. We do, however, balance our checkbooks, make investments, write emails and read books (all components of math and English). So my first thought when I heard about the ACT Aspire was, why do we have yet another test? To perform a well rounded critique, I have to go through it with a balanced eye and at least give it a chance. Bear with me and we can learn about it together. 1. What is the ACT Aspire? Based on the summary content on the website, it is a test for 3-8 graders and early high school students that examines abilities in reading, writing, math, science, and English. It is 4 hours long and it meets common core standards (CLICK: ACT Aspire). To me, this is not enough information. Don’t all standardized tests examine math and English (with reading and writing encompassed within it)? Doesn’t the ACT already cover science? Don’t all standardized tests meet common core standards? We definitely need to look further. 2. When did ACT Aspire first appear? According to their website, ACT Aspire came into play around 2012. Since it’s so new, why is it better than its predecessors? ‘New’ is generally a neutral statement, it could be good, bad or have no particular meaning at all. Let’s look further still. 3. What is it all about? Upon further investigation, I have discovered that the ACT Aspire replaces the ACT Plan and the ACT Explore starting in the 2014-2015 school year. In addition, the total testing time will vary between 3 hours and 50 minutes and 4 hours and 10 minutes, depending on the student’s grade level. On one hand, less testing means more time for actual learning. On the other hand, is 30 minutes of writing enough to determine if your third grader knows how to write? What if he or she zoned out for just that 30 minutes on that particular day but was paying attention the rest of the year? (READ: 5 Reasons Students Should Blog). 4. What types of questions are there? According to the website, the questions will vary between “multiple question types including constructed response, selected response, and technology-enhanced items”. To genuinely figure out how this test worked, I set out to take one 24-question section for myself. Excited to see how I did, I submitted my final answers. Unfortunately, I was redirected to the login page without a score. Either the ACT Aspire isn’t giving out scores or there are some substantial difficulties. The section that I completed was a multiple choice grammar and punctuation section and was very similar to the grammar correction sections on the ACT. So I suppose the ACT aspire will serve as a type of test prep for the ACT if you want the best test prep in Orange County, look no further than our college educated ACT tutors. The ACT Aspire offers both computer and pencil and paper based testing, which I would consider to be a good thing considering the difficult transition that schools are having with computer-based testing. (What if there are 35 computers but 40 students taking the exam? Not a good thing. What about mobile electronic devices where the keyboard pops up to cover part of the test? Frustrating.) 5. Bottom Line I see this as a version of the PSAT (only in prep for the ACT). I don’t see it as particularly bad or good just yet. I would like to know what I got on that grammar section though. All blog entries, with the exception of guest bloggers, are written by Tutor Nerds. Are you an education professional? If so, email us at for guest blogging and collaborations. We want to make this the best free education resource in SoCal, so feel free to suggest what you would like to see us post about. The beginning of a new school year is crucial for establishing a strong academic performance. In other words, if your child wants to reach his or her potential, they can’t fall behind from the start. Hiring an Orange County private tutor is much more than extra academic help, it’s a confidence boost. Have your child be the first to raise their hand in the classroom by hiring a college educated tutor from TutorNerds. Contact us today!

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Find the Best Online Math Tutoring Jobs For Cash

Find the Best Online Math Tutoring Jobs For CashOnline math tutoring jobs are not at all that hard to find. There are several math related tutoring jobs that are available at home and you can easily get one of these jobs even without going to a college or university. These tutoring jobs allow students to learn the math in their spare time.You can enroll yourself in math tutoring courses for free as well as the online tutoring courses. A tutor for online math helps students with the algebra, geometry, fractions, algebra problems and geometry problems. These tutoring courses offer online homework help, tutorials and computer activities.You do not need to spend too much money in order to find the online math tutoring jobs. It is enough if you have an internet connection. You can get hold of online tutoring classes that offer tutoring online. Even just about any type of education can be completed by learning math online.Different teachers and classes offer different formats and learn met hods for students. You can also find tutors in your locality. If you want to work from home you can look for tutoring jobs at home or you can look for tutoring jobs in different tutoring centers in different cities. Online tutoring services are provided by most tutoring centers.There are some simple steps you need to follow in order to get paid to teach online. The first step is to look for tutoring centers that offer tutoring services.You need to find out whether they are accredited or not and the second step is to look for proper research so that you will know what type of tutoring services they offer. In this way you will know what kind of tutor you will be working with. You can look for some online math jobs and review the available options to get an idea what you are going to do next.It is important that you understand the rules of the tutoring system before enrolling in a course completion or placement. You can also contact a math tutor and ask for his advice regarding the mat h course and the offers he has.

Teach Algebra At Your Own Pace

Teach Algebra At Your Own PaceGlencoe Personal Tutor is a software program that is designed to help teach algebra to your child. You can expect a certain level of difficulty with this program but there are various strategies and techniques that can be used so that the children can learn at their own pace. By employing all these strategies and techniques in the software, the child will be able to learn at their own pace and at their own level.The Glencoe Personal Tutor algebra program was designed to help your child learn algebra at their own pace. You can also use the software to help your child who is a math master at a pre-primary school. The software gives you the option to work with your child at their own pace as well.With the software you can let your child know how algebra works. This way they can make the most out of their learning process. The tutorials given in the software will be simple to understand and follow. There are several tutorials that you can use so that your ch ild will be able to master algebra by themselves.By using the tutorials for the Glencoe Personal Tutor software, your child will learn algebra by themselves. The lessons given in the tutorials will include the following: First Year Math, Second Year Math, Third Year Math, Fourth Year Math, Fifth Year Math, Sixth Year Math, Seventh Year Math, Eighth Year Math, Ninth Year Math, Tenth Year Math, eleventh year math, twelfth year math, thirteenth year math, fourteenth year math, fifteenth year math, sixteenth year math, seventeenth year math, eighteenth year math, nineteenth year math, twentieth year math, twenty-first year math, twenty-second year math, twenty-third year math, twenty-fourth year math, twenty-fifth year math, twenty-sixth year math, and twenty-seventh year math. Some of the tutorials that are included in the Glencoe Personal Tutor software are in addition to the tutorials that are given inthe Glencoe Home School Educational Software. These tutorials will include the foll owing: Practice Problem Solving, Algebra Practice, Proofs, Arithmetic, Logic Games, Boolean Expression Games, Numbers, Textbooks, Diagnostic Checks, Algebra Exercises, Algebra Review Tests, Advanced Math Exercises, Math Problems, Algebra Practice Test, Memory Games, Shapes, Mix-Up Games, Homework, and Math Games.Glencoe Personal Tutor will give your child the required tools to learn at their own pace. If you want to teach algebra to your child from scratch and make sure that they have the knowledge needed, the software is perfect for this purpose. It gives you the flexibility to use the lessons that you need to help your child learn algebra at their own pace and at their own level.You can also use the tutorial to help your child use algebra to solve equations. By using this software to teach algebra to your child, you will not only be able to teach algebra to your child, but you will also be able to practice it in your classroom.You do not have to be a math master to teach algebra a t your own pace. By giving your child algebra online, you will be able to learn algebra at your own pace.

Finding Your Musical Passion

Finding Your Musical Passion Suzy S. Music has a way of impacting us to our very core no matter if youre listening to it, playing an instrument or singing. Cultivating that passion will help you go far in your music lessons. Read on as Mesa, AZ teacher Karen R. explains My musical passion was ignited as a little child because I was raised in a musical family where I was surrounded by music. My parents, sisters, and I were singers and instrumentalists. Through private music lessons, musical ensemble, and group experiences, I learned to sing and play instruments well. I latched on to music as a child because it gave me joy, hope, inspiration, self-esteem, delight, and enjoyment, especially during difficult circumstances. It became my flotation device in hard times. Through music, I could escape into a world of beauty and joy.   I have seen “The Sound of Music” innumerable times, because it captures the truth of how music powerfully transforms lives by creating joy, encouragement, and healing. Therefore, it is important that we, as musicians and music teachers, not only find our passion for music, but develop and sustain it. The first step for musicians is finding their musical passion. For beginning music students, they can start by researching different instruments and talking with music teachers to find out what instrument/instruments would suit them. They can reflect on what instrument they feel passionate or excited about. Budding musicians can also discover their musical passion by journaling about how listening to and playing music makes them feel. This will get them in touch with the powerful, healing and inspirational impact of music on their souls. Second, we need to envision and reflect on how we want to develop as musicians and what and who we want to become. All musicians including beginning, intermediate, and advanced, and even music teachers need to set short and long term goals and assess daily, weekly and monthly if they are where we want to be as musicians. Also, imagining and seeing ourselves as that musician is powerful. My short-term goals was to get back into musical theater and recently I landed the role of Mrs. Paroo in “Music Man!” My long-term goal is that I want to get a doctorate and do my thesis on the powerful impact of music on people. I envision myself as a musical theater actress and having a doctorate in music! Furthermore, all levels of musicians who want to grow and develop should practice with their instruments regularly, take private lessons, read musical literature, go to concerts and musical theater so they can listen to and observe other musicians and artists. Finally, we need to work on sustaining our musical passions on a daily and ongoing basis so we won’t become bored, disheartened, and discouraged. When I was a music major, there was a time that I felt discouraged and defeated because I felt so criticized. I then wrote self-affirmations on notecards about who I am as a musician, my strengths, and that this is God’s gift to me. I carried these notecards with me and looked at them frequently. Also, what is equally helpful is to write a mission statement about why we are musicians and music teachers. What is our purpose? My purpose is to perform music to lift, encourage, and give joy to people. My purpose as a teacher is to help maximize my students’ musical potentiality so they can create joy. Like this post? Dont miss out on any of our tips, tricks and advice! Sign up for a free email subscription and receive our updates! You   might also like Jumpstarting Your Music Career: 5 Tips Nobody Talks About 7 Tips for Working as a Freelance Musician When is the Right Time to Start Music Lessons? Karen R. teaches guitar, piano, singing, Broadway singing, music theory, Opera voice and songwriting lessons in Mesa, AZ. She received her Bachelors degree in Music Education from  Grand Canyon University, and joined the TakeLessons team in December 2012. Learn more about Karen, or search for a teacher near you!   Photo by fluffisch

How is the SSAT Scored

How is the SSAT Scored The SSAT, or Secondary School Admission Test, is offered at three levels for students in grades 3-11. All three exams Elementary (3-4), Middle (5-7), and Upper (8-11) are held on eight standard Saturdays per year, as well as a number of flex dates. The test measures quantitative, reading, and verbal skills. It also emphasizes critical thinking and problem-solving above memorization. Score reports are distributed with an overall and per section scaled mark, norm groups (or percentiles), and a copy of your essay. What is a norm group? The SSAT is highly competitive, with norm groups composed of all individuals (divided by gender and grade) who are completing this exam for the first time in the past three years. This percentile ranking is thus a sign of how well you performed in comparison to others, rather than which percentage of your answers were correct. How is the SSAT a standardized test? Although each edition released on a specific date will be different, results are utilized interchangeably across North America and the world when considering student scores. Therefore, a scaled mark earned by a student in Alaska in January is comparable to a student of the same age receiving the same score in Florida in May. Results are interpreted in a standard method based on the same exam underpinnings. About scores and timing Scores are available roughly two weeks after the testing date, and they can also be accessed on the SSAT website under My Scores. Keep in mind that your raw results are simply those questions you answered correctly, minus a quarter of a point for each wrong response. Thus, if you do not know the answer and cannot make an educated guess, skip it! At nearly three hours in length, the SSAT is substantial. Practice each section in a timed environment to determine your strengths and weaknesses. Here are some great SSAT practice teststhat can help you prepare. You may also want to check out these SSAT flash cardsas well. The exam is partially about knowing yourself as a student and as a test-taker. Keep your timing in mind throughout your study process! A note about preparation for the SSAT The SSAT company does not release retired or previous tests to the public, so while they offer practice problems, and while we may possess a general idea of what material is on the test, no aid can perfectly predict what your score will be. It is also impossible to determine percentile rankings based on your raw results alone as they change according to the cohort with which you test. Aim to do your best, rather than focusing on the perfect score. This is a highly competitive test that is only one part of the application process. Here are some great tips on how to improve SSAT scores that may help you succeed.